KaMpuNg Endah
Kampung endah is previously known as kampung pindah which exist since 1952.The reason it called endah is because the village moved(pindah) away from it original location.It is because the villagers feared of their safety while near the jungle.
Experience the excitement!!
Enjoy the confortable hospitality there.You can simply observe various traditional malays musical instrument and malay's traditional games too.The games handed down through generation and still been played in this resident untill now.
Inquisitive traveler ablele to enjoy the traditional games such as congkak, sepak raga, konda-kondi and many more.
Don't forget to join in the demonstration of traditional performance, boria.... so exciting!!
congkak is an indoor games..
The congkak is usually have fourteen holes, which 2 set of seven at sides.Each player wilool controls the seven holes on their side of the board, and their score is the number of seeds in their left-hand store.originate from the word ‘congak' mean count. In indonesia, it is called "Congklak" meaning cowrie shells.Usually it has fourteen holes in two sets of seven, plus an additional store for each player.It originated in Malacca Kingdom.Ih history, it been played after a hard day’s work on the padi fields.Seven seeds are placed in each hole (anak) except the stores (rumah) , which remain empty.The objective of the game is to capture more seeds than one's opponent stored in lubang rumah distributes them in each hole clockwise
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