Kanchong darat Home Stay
Home stay
There's a lot of home stay in malaysia especially in selangor.The most popular home stay that we have in selangor is haji dorani home stay.The place was surrounded by typical kampongs life.But, we will catch it up later
Personally,the place that I like the most is Kanchong darat homestay and Kampung Indah Homestay.It locate about 10 kilometers from my hometown kampung Sungai Buaya
The place is absolutely wonderful and hypnotize anyone who ever come there.All green and
tidy,silent,far away from rushing of the city.Instead,all you can hear is the whisper of the wind and bird chirping.
Feel the joy!!!
You can also joy along the festive that they joy such as Kenduri kahwin(Wedding ceremony),Merewang,and so many more.There, you can glimpse the strong bond between each of them who looks so close and harmonic.It's so unique and hard to find.Isn't wonderful?
Kanchong Darat Home Stay
Kanchong Darat is locate about 2 kilometers from pekan Banting.Do you know how Kanchong Darat gets its name??The word "Kanchong Darat" was taken from a water jar made from bamboo which used by natives and the word darat came because Kanchong darat was locate far away from the sea.Specifically,it far away from Selat Melaka.Kanchong darat was discovered in year1904 and was first explored byTuan Haji RAhim,Tuan HAji Abdul Majid,Tuan Haji Abdul Rahman, and Tuan Haji Khalil from Jawa.
When in kanchong darat, visitor will be able to experience the daily life style of a village by staying with Malay's buddy.You also able to see how they go about their daily routine.Historical visit planned during the stay might exciting you up!
Besides experincing cultural and traditional, the visitor also have a chance to visit nearby oil palm plantation,Orchard, and food related small industries.Food related small industries are including kerepek making(chips),Jeruk(preserved fruit) and others
You will be travel through time travel which mean you can see the classical historic building of Jugra,mausoleum,and Istana Bandar.Not just that,you will experiences afternoon fishing and see fish are preserved.
Yummy~!! you will be able to taste fruit which freshly plucked from the trees such as guawa,papaya,rambutan,mangosteen,langsat,and so many more including the king of the fruit,Durian.
You can experience malays culture through it's food,traditional music,games,and history.Don't forget to taste the delightful of malays food such as nasi ayam,kerepek, and others.The best way to learn culture is through it's food isn'it?.
You will amazed by beautiful traditional performance such as kuda kepang dance,Cempuling,Wayang Kulit jawa,marhaban and many more.Learn the step of malaysial self defense art silat.
A student's demonstrate a step of silat
Kanchong darat in Malaysia!!

Here's the map to Kanchong darat.Yellow line as highway ....
or please refer this map:Kanchong darat Map(Malaysian Google satelite map)
Kampung Kanchong Darat 3 Days 2 Nights Package
Package inclusive of:
* Welcome drinks, Accommodation and meals.
* Village Tour
Day 1:
* Arrive at Kampung Kanchong Darat Homestay
* Meet and greet by villagers
* Lunch & enjoy activities at the homestay
* Dinner
Day 2:
* Breakfast
* Visit agrotek plant & SME’s industries
* Lunch & visit to historical places
* Visit Community Centre & recreation activities with host
* Dinner
* Cultural Showcase
Day 3:
* Breakfast
* Village tour
* Farewell Ceremony
Any Reservation/question please call:
Ketua Kampung Endah,
Hulu Langat, Selangor,
Tel: +603-3198 1652
Tel: +012-602 3620
For cosultation:
Fatanah Cosultation
Hulu Langat, Selangor,
Tel: +603-3198 1652
Tel: +012-602 3620
For cosultation:
Fatanah Cosultation
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